American Assistance Phones

American Assistance is one of the companies in the Lifeline Assistance Program providing free cell phones to needy Americans. If you fall into the category of the needy, you can go ahead and apply for a free government phone through American Assistance. Details on what entails to being in need are explained in the article under the eligibility section. Just like any other communications company in the Lifeline Program, American Assistance has the following: an application process for those interested in free phones, eligibility criteria, plans on offer, and cell phones available for approved applicants.

Application Process & Cell Phones

One of the ways through which you can apply for American Assistance phones is by calling the company. Once you call, the customer service will help you with the application details and process. You can also visit the company’s website and apply online. Once you are on the online platform, you will receive details of the application and the data you should provide to the company for approval. Additionally, you can download the application forms and fill them manually. Once you are through, you can either fax or mail them to the company. Make sure that you meet the requirements for a free government phone as you apply. If you don’t meet the qualifications, your application will fail.

American Assistance gives free government phones to applicants who qualify for the Lifeline Program. There are two options that clients can explore when choosing the phones they want. The first option is signing up for a free government phone known as Companion Phone. In the second option, you can order a free smartphone called Freedom Phone. The Freedom Phone is a smartphone with a 3-inch screen, Android OS, front and back cameras, Wi-Fi, and other features. Moreover, it’s a Dual SIM phone that allows you to use another SIM from another provider.

American Assistance Plans

American Assistance offers various plans to those who qualify for American Assistance Phones. For those who qualify, they get a free cell phone, 1000 monthly minutes for free, unlimited free text messages, and 1GB of 3G data on a monthly basis. In case the minutes and texts offered per month are not enough for you, you have the opportunity to get more minutes and text messages at a fee. If you visit their website, you will find all the details you need for the add-ons. It’s important to point out that California residents receive generous plan offers compared to other states. The plans are divided into three:

  • Plan 1: Unlimited Voice & Text at $0 Monthly
  • Plan 2: Unlimited Voice & Text with 2 GB Data at $0 Monthly
  • Plan 3: Unlimited Voice & Text with 5 GB Data at $20 Monthly


It’s important to take note that not all Americans qualify for free government phones through American Assistance. There are only two means through which persons can qualify for free phones in the Lifeline Assistance Program. The first way is through the program-based eligibility process and the second one is through the income-based eligibility process.

In the program-based process, you have to participate in a government assistance program to qualify for a free phone. Remember, this program is only for needy Americans, so you have to prove that you’re not able to afford the normal communication system for you to qualify. Most people qualify for the free government program through this option. By participating in a federal or state-sponsored assistance program, you already show that you’re needy and you need a free phone. That is why most older citizens apply through the program-based option. Some of the assistance programs are:

The second option for qualification is income-based eligibility. To qualify, your total household income has to be at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. This mode of qualification is harder than the former because you have to produce proof that you have low income to be eligible for a free phone. You have to show documentation to support your application. It’s also imperative to take note that the low-income percentage for qualification varies from state to state. Thus, you should check with your state to confirm as you apply for a free government phone through American Assistance.

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